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Tuition fees

Tuition and fees for the 2024-25 are indicated below:

Upeace: US$8,408 (including transportation fee, visa cost Costa Rica).

* Insurance: International students (non-Costa Rican citizens or residents) are required to show proof of private insurance with minimum medical expense coverage (US$350,000.00)

IHE Delft: EURO 20,207 (including insurance and visa cost Netherlands)

OSU: US$22,500 for tuition and fees, US$6,000 for books, insurance and educational supplies


Cost of Living

Cost of living and travel to study at each institution are not included in the overview above.  An estimation of these cost is given below, but would, of course, vary depending on student choices of housing and costs of travel from various regions of the world to the partner universities.


Cost of living (17 months): 

Expected cost of living and other expenses at Upeace: US$ 3,600

Expected cost of living and other expenses at IHE Delft: EURO 8,000

Expected cost of living and other expenses at OSU: US$15,000 for room and board


Travel cost from home country to Costa Rica, between partner countries and back to home country at the end of study are not included and will vary.

Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

A joint MSc Programme, organized by:

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