Water Cooperation and Diplomacy Master
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time will I spend in each institution?
Although exact programme dates vary from year to year, you will most likely spend around 4 months (August of the admission year to the end of November of the same year) at the University for Peace in Costa Rica, 6 months (December of the admission year to the end May/beginning of June of the graduation year) at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands, and 7 months (June to December of the graduation year) in the Oregon State University, in the United States. Students will have several few free days to travel between the countries and settle down in the new environment. Orientations will also be held at each institution to support this transition.
How will I be guided throughout all the procedures in each institution?​
Each institution will provide introductory sessions for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy students upon arrival, both on organizational and on content matters. During the session, students are able to ask the questions related to study in the institution, thesis guidance, and general logistics. A program focal point has also been identified at each institution and is a resource for students and can directly address their questions. More detailed administrative and logistical questions can be directed to the relevant department of each institute. Students will also receive access to an online platform that hosts additional information specially prepared for WCD student upon acceptance to the program.
Am I responsible for arranging my visa, travel, accommodation, and other logistics myself?​
Each institute has its own regulations and rules regarding logistics, therefore, logistics vary for each institution.
Visa: Each institute provides support regarding the visa procedures. The relevant institute offices support students in preparation of documents and visa applications from the inviting party’s side. However, identification the respective embassies nearby, scheduling the appointment, preparing full package of application documents, and visiting embassies in person are the responsibilities of the applicant. Visa-related costs are to be covered by the students. Please contact the focal points for more details.
Flight: It is your responsibility to arrange your travel to and between the places of study based on the provided dates of courses at each institution. All travel-related costs are to be covered by the students.
Accommodation: The University for Peace in Costa Rica and IHE Delft in the Netherlands provide accommodation options which exist for students of their institutions. However, you are not obliged to choose from the lists provided and can arrange your own accommodation. Although on-campus housing options are available at Oregon State University in the United States, students often seek off campus housing. More detailed information will be provided to program participants in advance of their move to each country. All expenses related to accommodation are to be paid by students.
Health Insurance: Independent health insurance is required upon acceptance to the University for Peace. Students must identify and purchase this insurance for prior to arrival in Costa Rica. Student health insurance options are available for purchase at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and Oregon State University. More information will be provided by the institutions. For all other logistical questions and individual inquiries, admitted students can reach out to the focal points at each institute.
How and when should I select my thesis topic?
Students will be provided sufficient time and guidance from all three institutions in selecting their research topics. Coursework at all three institutions will support progress on topic selection and ongoing research, and students have opportunities to discuss potential topics with staff at all three institutions as well as with their preliminary mentor.
Is it possible to complete field research as part of my thesis?
It is expected that students conduct desk study research for their theses and conduct this work simultaneously with their studies; therefore, there is limited opportunity for field research. However, if students have a strong willingness to engage in field research, this possibility should be further discussed with the coordination team of the master program.
Is it possible to develop a research thesis as part of a funded project?
Although linking research to an ongoing project is possible, it is students’ responsibility to find opportunities. Constraints on field research limit the opportunities to participate in funded projects at the three institutions.